Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Story The Living Room - 900 Words

In this analysis I will call into question the newsworthiness and privacy issues found in the problematic Love and Radio episode â€Å"The Living Room.† Love and Radio describes the podcast as an â€Å"intimate, but very one-sided relationship,† and this description should not be taken lightheartedly. Though a beautifully crafted story about loss and the human experience, Diane Weipert’s â€Å"experience† with complete strangers comes off as creepy and unethical, during a time in mass media where intrusion equals newsworthiness. This analysis assumes this podcast is a work of nonfiction, not a fictional story as some listeners have suggested. Weipert’s story comes off as kind of a twisted eulogy; she details a couple’s life together for over a year, including their sex life, medical complications, and eventually a death. Nigel Starck writes on the ethics behind writing the dead, and how journalists approach personal and intimate information . He says writers and editors often come in contact with the ethical dilemma of revealing intimate information, in this case causes of death or important life experiences. Such an intrusion may be necessary to paint a full picture of the life being written about, so Starck says that restraint and gentle imagery are ways to approach this ethical dilemma (376). However, unlike Weipert’s story, obituarists and journalists often have permission from loved ones to write about little-known people who have died. Weipert takes it upon herself to explain theShow MoreRelatedHome Is Right For A New Home751 Words   |  4 Pagesneed to be considered. For many people, one issue is whether a two-story or a one-story home is right for them. While neither plan is perfect for every family, there are advantages and disadvantages to either option. Two-Story Homes One of the greatest advantages to a two-story home is that you can fit a larger home on a smaller lot. 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